This verification system verifies the authenticity of the following documents issued by European Institute of Policy Research and Human Rights (EIPRHR) and EIPRHR l Online.
This verification system is not meant to verify the authenticity of a document which is not issued by European Institute of Policy Research and Human Rights (EIPRHR) and EIPRHR l Online.
The verification system is free for Government authorities, Schools & Universities and registered companies.
Due to General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR), This verification system verifies the authenticity only when the written/signed consent taken by the student or consent sent directly by the student through his/her registered email ID ( in records of EIPRHR or EIPRHR l Online). Before, authentication of the document, student is contacted.
If you are looking to verify authenticity of a document issued by EIPRHR; you are eligible to avail the Document Verification Service(DVS), if you belong to one of the categories mentioned below-
and looking to verify one of the following documents issued by European Institute of Policy Research and Human Rights (EIPRHR) and EIPRHR l Online-
Write to ; web-link of an online form will be sent to process your verification request.